
324 search results

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  1. dr. M. (Marthe) Hesselmans

    Marthe Hesselmans

    Personal details | Research fellow

  2. An introduction to the WRR

    In this video senior research fellow and international liaison Anne-Greet Keizer,  gives an introduction to The Netherlands ...

    Video | 02-10-2020

  3. How will we earn our living 20 years from now?

    How will we earn our living 20 years from now?


  4. Article: COVID-19 crisis demands debate on digitization

    The COVID-19 crisis is first and foremost a public health issue. Now it is becoming increasingly clear that we are confronted ...

  5. The WRR addresses the theme of business and society

    The WRR has added the project ‘ Business and Society’ to its work programme. A good relationship between business and society is ...

    News item | 07-07-2020 | 16:55

  6. WRR-Newsletter - July 2020

    WRR Newsletter | Volume 2, number 2, July 2020

  7. ESAF meeting on scientific advice during the COVID-19 crisis

    On Wednesday 24 June 2020, the European Science Advisors Forum (ESAF) organized a virtual meeting in response to the COVID-19 ...

    News item | 01-07-2020 | 13:58

  8. WRR and COVID-19

    In times of crisis, it is crucial for the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy to make its expertise available ...

  9. Vulnerability and resilience

    The COVID-19 pandemic is having major social, political and economic consequences and we will continue feeling these effects for ...

    Publication | 22-06-2020

  10. Society needs greater resilience to tackle COVID-19 crisis

    The COVID-19 crisis is already having a huge economic, social and political impact. While a great deal of effective action has ...

    News item | 22-06-2020 | 10:19