324 search results
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Environmental policy: strategy, instruments and enforcement
Environmental policy is mainly a question of influencing behaviour. Environmental problems are caused because producers and ...
Input and Output Coefficients of Various Cropping and Livestock Systems in the European Communities
Input and Output Coefficients of Various Cropping and Livestock Systems in the European Communities
Trends in Tourism and Recreation in the European Community
Trends in Tourism and Recreation in the European Community
Incentives for Women to Work. A comparison between the Netherlands, Sweden and West Germany
Incentives for Women to Work. A comparison between the Netherlands, Sweden and West Germany
The Future of Industrial Relations in Europe
The Future of Industrial Relations in Europe
Work in Perspective. Labour Participation in the Netherlands
The labour participation rate needs to rise. Too few people in the Netherlands are performing paid work. In view of the ...
Institutions and Cities. The Dutch Experience
Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht should be given greater financial and administrative powers. Because the position of ...
Macro-economic policy coordination and monetary integration: a European perspective
Macro-economic policy coordination and monetary integration: a European perspective
Quality and Quantity of work in the Nineties in the Netherlands
Quality and Quantity of work in the Nineties in the Netherlands
Immigrant Policy
The existing minorities policy should be replaced by an immigrant policy aimed at making the relevant ethnic groups independent ...