Carbon emissions trading and public interests

The purpose of the European emissions trading scheme (EU ETS) is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in a cost-effective way, with the ultimate aim of combating global climate change. The question is how the introduction of the ETS in the Netherlands incentivises stakeholders to serve public interests. This is the subject of the WRR Web publication Public interests in the implementation of the EU ETS in the Netherlands: stakeholder perspectives by Frank van der Salm, Erik Stam, Cor Marijs and Gerard de Vries.

Reduction of CO2 emissions

The implementation of the EU ETS has led to the creation of an entirely new market, and has made CO2 a key issue for many companies. Reduction of CO2 emissions is as yet a largely unfulfilled promise. The implementation of the EU ETS shows that the creation of an effective and efficient market requires a huge effort by both public and private actors, and that its effects are highly unpredictable and necessitate continuous monitoring and interventions in order for public interests to be served.

Market, state, society

This study was carried out as part of the preparation of the WRR report on 'Market, state and society' which will be published in January 2012 and which explores the question of how the government can protect both social and public interests in a market environment.

Abridged versions of these studies, together with an introduction and epilogue, have been collected in a special edition of the journal Beleid & Maatschappij (Policy & Society) no. 3 2010).

The WRR Web publication series comprises studies carried out as part of the activities of the WRR. Responsibility for the content and views expressed rests with the authors.