Publications - WRR and COVID-19

4 publications on WRR and COVID-19

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  1. Navigating and anticipating in uncertain times

    It is crucial that organisations are prepared for different future scenarios for the course of the Covid-19 pandemic. This can ...

    Publication | 16-11-2021

  2. Acquiring, assessing and weighing. The use of knowledge in policy advice in times of crisis

    Preparing for the next crisis mainly means being aware that it will inevitably come. This is the conclusion drawn by the ...

    Publication | 24-06-2021

  3. Vulnerability and resilience

    The COVID-19 pandemic is having major social, political and economic consequences and we will continue feeling these effects for ...

    Publication | 22-06-2020

  4. WRR position paper Dutch House of Representatives hearing / round-table discussion on coronavirus app

    In this Position Paper, the WRR advises that great caution and care must be exercised when any radical new technology is ...

    Publication | 28-04-2020