Aftershocks. Economic Crisis and Institutional Choice

In conjunction with the ministry of Economic Affairs, the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) has held a symposium on 12 November. Central to the debate was the book Aftershocks. Economic Crisis and Institutional Choice, which was handed over to Minister Van der Hoeven of Economic Affairs.

Financial crisis

The symposium was led by Felix Rottenberg, speakers included among others: Hans Borstlap, Lex Hoogduin and Marcel Canoy. Two years after into the first economic crisis of the 21st century, we find ourselves in uncharted territory. What are the consequences of the deepest recession since the 1930s? The financial and economic crisis has far-reaching consequences. It impinges on the regulatory and financial systems, the role of the state and the international order. It is too early yet to draw comprehensive conclusions, but this makes exploratory forays into this territory all the more urgent.

24 contributions

It is against this background that the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) presents its essay collection  Aftershocks. Economic Crisis and Institutional Choice. This contains contributions from 24 internationally authoritative academics, entrepreneurs and politicians, who take the reader along in their thought processes: the world as it was before the crisis will not be returning, but what will be the contours of a new administrative and economic architecture?