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154 news items

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  1. Two new Springer-titles: Climate Policy and the Dutch Health Care system

    The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) and Springer published two new titles in the series 'Research for ...

    News item | 19-06-2024 | 14:27

  2. Helping society to progress through advisory work

    The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) welcomed two new Council members on 1 January. Andrea Evers ...

    News item | 13-03-2024 | 15:00

  3. ‘Goede zaken’. Unlocking business potential to benefit society

    The Netherlands faces major challenges in the areas of climate, health, the labour market and future productivity. If we are to ...

    News item | 06-03-2024 | 15:30

  4. Science to help society to progress

    Mark Bovens has served two statutory terms as a member of the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy and a further ...

    News item | 05-03-2024 | 10:00

  5. Thinking about tomorrow today

    The publication of the essay entitled ‘Time and space for policy. Prospects for the Scientific Council for Government Policy ...

    News item | 04-03-2024 | 10:00

  6. Essay: Time and space for policy

    In the light of the major social issues facing the Netherlands and its European partners, research-based policy advice is ...

    News item | 05-10-2023 | 09:00

  7. Migration diversity workshop at IMISCOE conference

    At the beginning of July, the WRR organised the workshop Migration diversity & social cohesion: Authors meet critics. The ...

    News item | 01-08-2023 | 10:00

  8. Third Flemish Binoculars Symposium

    The third edition of the Flemish Binoculars Symposium, entitled ‘Why and how to explore the future? And what role does science ...

    News item | 15-06-2023 | 10:00

  9. Czech delegation visits WRR

    On 6 June, a Czech delegation visited the WRR. The delegation consisted of the Government Analytical Unit and the Czech deputy ...

    News item | 06-06-2023 | 10:00

  10. Justice in climate policy more important than ever

    Dutch society faces enormous challenges in the coming decades. Greenhouse gases must be reduced. We are going to make the country ...

    News item | 26-05-2023 | 11:00