Internal checks and balances in semi-public organisations

The WRR presents its advisory report ‘From diptych to triangles. Strengthening internal checks and balances in semi-public organisations’(Van tweeluik naar driehoeken. Versterking van interne checks and balances bij semipublieke organisaties) on 27 May.

Self-correcting capacity

In its report, the WRR argues that housing associations, education establishments and health care institutions need to improve the organisation of their internal checks and balances. This will strengthen the self-correcting capacity of these semi-public organisations, which in turn will help embed societal interests more firmly. WRR member Mark Bovens will present the first copy of the report to Stef Blok, Minister for Housing and the Central Government Sector, at 15.00 hrs today.


The report stems from the project ‘Responsible semi-public sector’ (‘Verantwoord publiek middenveld’), which was compiled in collaboration between Cor van Montfort and Meike Bokhorst under the chairmanship of Mark Bovens.

WRR Report 91 Van tweeluik naar driehoeken. Versterking van interne checks and balances bij semipublieke organisaties, ISBN 978 90 8964 8211, is available (in Dutch) from Amsterdam University Press and may be downloaded free of charge from this site.