Policymaking using behavioural expertise

In 2009, the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) published its investigation The Human Decider (De menselijke beslisser), in which a wide range of scientists provided an overview of new findings from the behavioural sciences about how people make choices. There has since been a great deal of interest in this subject, not only among the general public but definitely also among policymakers.

New findings

In its report Policymaking using behavioural expertise, the Council deals with the relevance of the new findings for government policymaking. It also considers how the 'behavioural sciences perspective' can be embedded in government processes. It is a good idea, for example, to set up a special behavioural science unit?

Objections to nudging

The Council als considers the possible normative objections to nudging. How seriously should we take those objections? In addition, the Council raises new questions . Are people always able to deal effectively with the many choices with which they are confronted nowadays? If not, what policy consequences should government introduce in this connection?