ESAF conference Vilnius

The conference of the European Science Advisors Forum (ESAF) was held in Vilnius on 29 and 30 November. The gathering attracted representatives from all over Europe. The programme consisted of a series of contributions from international speakers and panel members, followed by lively discussions with the audience. The themes under discussion included the role of science advice in rebuilding society. On behalf of the Netherlands Anne-Greet Keizer (research fellow and ESAF executive secretary) gave a presentation about a new WRR project about the challenges of a tilting world order.

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Image: ©ESAF

About ESAF

The European Science Advisors Forum is a platform of European science-based strategic advisors who promote and facilitate the use of evidence-based policy in their countries. The members of ESAF share relevant information, enhancing the exchange of best practices and building sustainable capacity and capability across a range of different national science advisory organizations and systems in Europe. Exchanges like these strengthen the international network and, at the same time, contribute to the further refinement of the tasks and methods in the countries themselves.

The Netherlands was the coordinating country in recent years, represented by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR). Estonia has taken over sinds July 2020.