Making Romanian and Bulgarian Migration Work in The Netherlands

A broad and future-oriented policy vision of labour migration boosts the likelihood that the free movement of employees will also be profitable from a socio-economic viewpoint in the long term. In addition, it would also be sensible to invest in broader alliances with countries of origin such as Romania and Bulgaria. That is stated in the WRR publication Making Romanian and Bulgarian Migration Work (WRR Policy Brief no. 1, 2014).

Concerns about labour migration are justifiable

Concerns about European labour migration are often justifiable. In order to make labour migration work, particularly at the lower end of the labour market, central government and employers must invest more in the socio-economic integration of European settlement migrants. Focus is also needed on the unintended side effects of the flexible labour market (such as temporary contracts, agency work and own account arrangements) and on unfair competition with the existing labour force.

Opportunities of migration missed

Opportunities continue to be missed at the upper end of the labour market. European student migrants and highly educated labour migrants should be encouraged to settle here. This can be achieved by investing in the knowledge infrastructure, creating a welcoming climate and offering favourable career opportunities.