On social inequality. A policy-oriented exploration of distribution problems

The tensions arising from social inequality are growing and will probably increase further. The WRR therefore considers a policy aimed at the redistribution of the characteristics of paid work to be essential, according to its report On Social inequality – A policy-oriented exploration of distribution (Report no. 16, 1977).

Supported by a system of recurrent education

The job plays a central role in the various distribution processes. However, it is usually not enough to break through social inequality. The introduction of a system of recurrent education could greatly support policy aimed at the redistribution of characteristics of work. In the WRR’s opinion, this combination should also form the core of policies aimed at ending social inequality.

Different aspects of social inequality

In the study the WRR looks at various aspects of social inequality – knowledge, material and immaterial income from paid employment, wealth and power – and the relationships between them. What inequality exists with respect to the distribution of knowledge, material and immaterial income from paid employment, wealth and power? How great is the correlation between these distributions? Are there causal relationships and, if so, how are they manifested? And what is the actual and potential role of government policy in the distribution processes?