European ageing in focus. Dealing with pension and budgetary risks
Ageing will put considerable pressure on pension systems and economies in the European Union in the coming decades. This affects the Netherlands because we are closely connected to other countries within the European Union, by way of a common currency and trade relations. The Netherlands occupies an exceptional position with relatively large pension assets and limited ageing.
The report shows how pension and ageing challenges can lead to political, economic and social tensions within the eu. That is harmful for Europe and for the Netherlands. That is why the issue of European ageing should feature more prominently on the Dutch political and policy agendas and in society.
In the report, the WRR offers three possible directions for Dutch government policy. The WRR recommends that the Netherlands (1) anticipate an ageing European Union, (2) promote ageingresistant socio-economic and pension policies at eu level and (3) introduce national policies to protect itself against the potential negative consequences of ageing in Europe.