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  1. Development of rural areas in Europe; the claim for nature

    preliminary study: Development of rural areas in Europe; the claim for nature

    Publication | 21-09-1993

  2. Personal control. The importance to society of personal control

    Large swathes of the public are very insecure and feel they have limited control of their lives. In this report, the WRR ...

    Report | 10-07-2024

  3. Sustainable healthcare, a matter of choice. People, resources and public support

    In general, Dutch healthcare performs well, but there are major bottlenecks in parts of the system. To guarantee quality and ...

    Report | 03-05-2022 | Marianne de Visser, Arthur van Riel

  4. On social inequality. A policy-oriented exploration of distribution problems

    The tensions arising from social inequality are growing and will probably increase further. The WRR therefore considers a policy ...

    Report | 30-11-1977

  5. Stability and security in Europe. The changing foreign policy arena

    The European Union could strengthen its capacity for political action by forming a ‘core group’ led by Germany and France. This ...

    Report | 13-04-1995

  6. Industry in the Netherlands

    To achieve the principal objectives of Dutch policies on employment, a stable balance of payments, economic growth and ...

    Report | 21-05-1980

  7. Government and Future Research

    The forecasting function should receive more attention in surveys of the future carried out for the government. The uncertainties ...

    Report | 15-04-1988

  8. Thinking about tomorrow today

    The publication of the essay entitled ‘Time and space for policy. Prospects for the Scientific Council for Government Policy ...

    News item | 04-03-2024 | 10:00

  9. European Variations as Key to Cooperation

    The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) translated its study about the future of the European Union. ...

    Video | 15-01-2020

  10. Acquiring, assessing and weighing. The use of knowledge in policy advice in times of crisis

    Preparing for the next crisis mainly means being aware that it will inevitably come. This is the conclusion drawn by the ...

    Publication | 24-06-2021