
324 search results

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  1. Presentation of WRR report ‘Finance and Society: Restoring the Balance’

    Finance and Society: Restoring the Balance

    News item | 12-10-2016 | 00:00

  2. Memo to the Party Committtees. Key Issues for the next Term of Government

    Memo to the Party Committtees. Key Issues for the next Term of Government

    Letter | 12-05-2016

  3. Exploring the Boundaries of Big Data

    The Big Data phenomenon has a major impact on the world in which we live. A positive impact because Big Data encourages ...

    Investigation | 28-04-2016 | Dennis Broeders, Erik Schrijvers

  4. International and comparative legal study on Big Data

    International and comparative legal study on Big Data

    Working Paper | 28-04-2016

  5. Presentation of WRR Report on Big Data

    Big Data in a free and secure society

    News item | 28-04-2016 | 10:10

  6. WRR-Policy Brief No time to lose

    The WRR-Policy Brief Geen tijd verliezen: van opvang naar integratie van asielmigranten is now available in English.

    News item | 18-02-2016 | 10:06

  7. No time to lose: from reception to integration of asylum migrants

    By simultaneously focusing on accommodation, language acquisition, training and work, governments lose as little valuable time as ...

    Policy Brief | 16-02-2016 | Godfried Engbersen, Roel Jennissen, Meike Bokhorst

  8. Europe: Coalescence in Diversity

    Europe: Coalescene in Diversity

    News item | 12-02-2016 | 10:44

  9. Europe: Coalescence in Diversity

    Publication | 12-02-2016

  10. Mastering the Robot. The Future of Work in the Second Machine Age

    To ensure that robotisation is beneficial to both the economy and workers, a robot agenda is required. The key word in this ...

    Investigation | 08-12-2015 | Robert Went, Monique Kremer, André Knottnerus