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  1. Infrastructures. Time to invest

    There are currently insufficient guarantees of investment in vital infrastructure such as dykes and electricity. A strategic ...

    Report | 11-06-2008

  2. New Perspectives on Investment in Infrastructures

    In the past twenty years, a certain amount of commercialisation, liberalisation or privatisation has been introduced in all ...

    Investigation | 11-06-2008

  3. Micro-foundations for Innovation Policy

    Innovation policy must create and retain greater openness, and with regard to four aspects: openness to uncertainty in ...

    Investigation | 24-04-2008

  4. From War to the Rule of Law: Peace Building after Violent Conflicts

    More help from the Netherlands and the EU in establishing the rule of law and reforming the police and the judicial system ...

    Investigation | 08-10-2007

  5. Rediscovering Europe in the Netherlands

    National politicians and policymakers should take the lead in identifying major issues facing Europe. They must explicitly ...

    Report | 05-06-2007

  6. Encapsulating services in the polder. The Bolkestein directive in Dutch politics

    Encapsulating services in the polder. The Bolkestein directive in Dutch politics

    Publication | 05-06-2007

  7. The Accession of Turkey to the European Union: the political decision-making process

    The Accession of Turkey to the European Union

    Publication | 05-06-2007

  8. Dutch EU-policies with regard to legal migration - The directive on family reunification

    Dutch EU-policies with regard to legal migration - The directive on family reunification

    Publication | 05-06-2007

  9. The Habitats Directive. A case of contested Europeanization

    The Habitats Directive. A case of contested Europeanization

    Publication | 05-06-2007

  10. Connection, consumer, citizen. Liberalising the European Union gas market

    Connection, consumer, citizen. Liberalising the European Union gas market

    Publication | 05-06-2007