324 search results
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Infrastructures. Time to invest
There are currently insufficient guarantees of investment in vital infrastructure such as dykes and electricity. A strategic ...
New Perspectives on Investment in Infrastructures
In the past twenty years, a certain amount of commercialisation, liberalisation or privatisation has been introduced in all ...
Micro-foundations for Innovation Policy
Innovation policy must create and retain greater openness, and with regard to four aspects: openness to uncertainty in ...
From War to the Rule of Law: Peace Building after Violent Conflicts
More help from the Netherlands and the EU in establishing the rule of law and reforming the police and the judicial system ...
Rediscovering Europe in the Netherlands
National politicians and policymakers should take the lead in identifying major issues facing Europe. They must explicitly ...
Encapsulating services in the polder. The Bolkestein directive in Dutch politics
Encapsulating services in the polder. The Bolkestein directive in Dutch politics
The Accession of Turkey to the European Union: the political decision-making process
The Accession of Turkey to the European Union
Dutch EU-policies with regard to legal migration - The directive on family reunification
Dutch EU-policies with regard to legal migration - The directive on family reunification
The Habitats Directive. A case of contested Europeanization
The Habitats Directive. A case of contested Europeanization
Connection, consumer, citizen. Liberalising the European Union gas market
Connection, consumer, citizen. Liberalising the European Union gas market