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EU Commissioner Frattini on Dynamism in Islamic Activism
WRR report Dynamism in Islamic Activism
Climate Strategy – Between Ambition and Realism
An ambitious climate policy calls for a long-term global strategy. The current policy focuses too much on reducing CO2 emissions ...
Media policy for the digital age: Government response
Media Polici for the digital age
Dynamism in Islamic Activism
Islamic activism provides reference points for democratisation and human rights. It is essential for security in the longer term ...
Reformation of Islamic Thought
Intellectual reforms within Islam are in full swing. Moreover, the reformation of Islamic thought has a long history. Thinkers ...
Insight into the future as a basis for policy today
Insight into the future as a basis for policy today
Media Policy for the Digital Age
A future-oriented media policy calls for a new, functional approach because the Dutch media landscape is changing rapidly due to ...
The European Union, Turkey and Islam
Islam does not form a hindrance to Turkey’s admission to the EU, according to the WRR report The European Union, Turkey and Islam ...
Labour participation and unempoyment; a comparison of developments and institutions in Germany and The Netherlands
Labour participation and unempoyment; a comparison of developments and institutions in Germany and The Netherlands
The Future of the National Constitutional State
The national constitutional state will continue to occupy a central position as the anchor point of the international legal order ...