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  1. EU Commissioner Frattini on Dynamism in Islamic Activism

    WRR report Dynamism in Islamic Activism

    News item | 12-09-2006 | 10:36

  2. Climate Strategy – Between Ambition and Realism

    An ambitious climate policy calls for a long-term global strategy. The current policy focuses too much on reducing CO2 emissions ...

    Report | 20-06-2006

  3. Media policy for the digital age: Government response

    Media Polici for the digital age

    News item | 02-06-2006 | 10:31

  4. Dynamism in Islamic Activism

    Islamic activism provides reference points for democratisation and human rights. It is essential for security in the longer term ...

    Report | 18-04-2006

  5. Reformation of Islamic Thought

    Intellectual reforms within Islam are in full swing. Moreover, the reformation of Islamic thought has a long history. Thinkers ...

    Investigation | 12-04-2006

  6. Insight into the future as a basis for policy today

    Insight into the future as a basis for policy today

    Publication | 16-01-2006

  7. Media Policy for the Digital Age

    A future-oriented media policy calls for a new, functional approach because the Dutch media landscape is changing rapidly due to ...

    Report | 15-02-2005

  8. The European Union, Turkey and Islam

    Islam does not form a hindrance to Turkey’s admission to the EU, according to the WRR report The European Union, Turkey and Islam ...

    Report | 15-06-2004

  9. Labour participation and unempoyment; a comparison of developments and institutions in Germany and The Netherlands

    Labour participation and unempoyment; a comparison of developments and institutions in Germany and The Netherlands

    Publication | 15-07-2003

  10. The Future of the National Constitutional State

    The national constitutional state will continue to occupy a central position as the anchor point of the international legal order ...

    Report | 29-10-2002