
324 search results

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  1. Quality and Quantity of work in the Nineties in the Netherlands

    Quality and Quantity of work in the Nineties in the Netherlands

    Publication | 15-05-1989

  2. An Active Labour Market Policy

    A system of work-experience places needs to be created as a means of increasing the job opportunities for unemployed persons and ...

    Report | 31-12-1987

  3. Prospects for Reforming the Labour System

    Although limited, there are possibilities to modernise the labour system. Major changes, such as a general reduction of the ...

    Report | 19-11-1981

  4. Speech Mark Mazower Europe in crisis WRR lecture 2015

    Speech | 04-12-2015

  5. Speech Martin McKee WRR-lecture 2016 Living on the edge

    Speech | 01-12-2016

  6. Vulnerability and resilience

    The COVID-19 pandemic is having major social, political and economic consequences and we will continue feeling these effects for ...

    Publication | 22-06-2020

  7. Big Data and Security Policies: Serving Security, Protecting Freedom

    Big Data analytics in national security, law enforcement and the fight against fraud can reap great benefits for states, citizens ...

    Policy Brief | 31-01-2017 | Dennis Broeders, Erik Schrijvers, Ernst Hirsch Ballin

  8. Rethinking Political Contestation over Climate Change

    Rethinking Political Contestation over Climate Change

    Working Paper | 10-06-2015

  9. How will the Netherlands earn its income 20 years from now

    How will the Netherlands earn its income 20 years from now

    Publication | 04-11-2013

  10. No news is bad news! The role of the media and news framing in embedding Europe

    No news is bad news! The role of the media and news framing in embedding Europe

    Publication | 05-06-2007