Five tasks of embedding AI into society

The animation below explains which five tasks of embedding AI into society we are faced with and what that entails.

This animation explains that AI is not just a technology, but a system technology, which means that it will fundamentally change society. We need to properly shape this transition and learn from system technologies from the past.

Voice over:
Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is not just a technology, but a system technology that will increasingly change our society.
It's necessary to actively shape this transition. The WRR sees five tasks in this regard.
First of all, it is important to demystify AI.
By puncturing unrealistic doomsday scenarios… and expectations that are too high… we learn to ask the right questions together.
The second task is to contextualize AI.
By clearly understanding how AI will work, and opting for a specific AI identity… a country can create a technical and social environment… in which AI functions well.
Next, engagement is crucial.
It's very important to involve all relevant societal groups… in order to democratize the use of AI… and to support vulnerable people.
The fourth task is regulating AI.
Guiding public values around AI means weighing up interests which are sometimes conflicting.
To this end, a strategic and more integrated legislative agenda is needed, aimed at both the short… and long term.
Finally, the international positioning of AI is important.
AI is a global development… and with the help of ‘AI diplomacy’… a country can capitalise on as many international opportunities as possible.
These five tasks require a broad social and political approach… and a different policy infrastructure with political roots… so that  governments can properly shape the societal embedding of AI.
Want to know more about the tasks? Go to