Promote links between housing, care and pensions

The WRR Investigation Op maat voor later. Maatschappelijke initiatieven op de snijvlakken van wonen, zorg en pensioenen (‘Tailor-made for later. Social initiatives at the interface of housing, care and pensions’) describes a large number of innovative forms of funding, service delivery and organisation at the interface of housing, care and pensions.


The margins for the flexible use of pensions are currently still narrow. Far and away the most initiatives link together the domains of housing and care. The biggest task facing the Dutch government will be to create scope for this societal initiative without seeking to take it over.

The Investigation builds on the earlier publication Wonen, zorg en pensioenen. Hervormen en verbinden (‘Housing, care and pensions. Reform and revitalisation’) (2012) which looked at the opportunities and risks of ‘decompartmentalising’ these domains.