
All work of the WRR is public and published in one of four series.

  • Reports to the government: extensive reports containing advice on government policy
  • Policy briefs: shorter publications containing reflection on current topics, along with recommendations
  • Investigations: publications in which the WRR points out societal issues
  • Working papers: background studies written to support advisory projects

In addition to these four series, the WRR occasionally issues publications, videos and podcasts on current topics.

180 publications

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  1. Time and space for public policy

    On the occasion of the WRR's fiftieth anniversary, Prof. Dr. Ernst Hirsch Ballin wrote the essay Time and space for public ...

    Publication | 05-10-2023

  2. There is something to choose from when distributing the climate costs

    We face enormous challenges in the coming decades. Greenhouse gases must be reduced and we are going to make the country ...

    Publication | 26-05-2023

  3. Five tasks of embedding AI into society

    The animation below explains which five tasks of embedding AI into society we are faced with and what that entails.

    Video | 31-01-2023

  4. Artificial Intelligence is the new system technology

    This animation explains that AI is not just a technology, but a system technology, which means that it will fundamentally change ...

    Video | 31-01-2023

  5. Mission AI. The New System Technology

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) should be considered a system technology, similar to the steam engine, electricity, the combustion ...

    Report | 31-01-2023

  6. Migration diversity and social cohesion. Resassessing the Dutch policy Agenda

    Migration patterns in Western European countries have changed fundamentally in recent decades. A more active policy should be ...

    Report | 06-12-2022 | Roel Jennissen, Mark Bovens, Godfried Engbersen, Meike Bokhorst

  7. An introduction to the WRR 2022

    The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) is an independent advisory body for government policy. Its ...

    Video | 01-11-2022

  8. Sustainable healthcare, a matter of choice. People, resources and public support

    In general, Dutch healthcare performs well, but there are major bottlenecks in parts of the system. To guarantee quality and ...

    Report | 03-05-2022 | Marianne de Visser, Arthur van Riel

  9. European Variations as a key to cooperation

    Enjoy a vivid discussion about the need for variation in the European Union between Ernst Hirsch Berlin, member of the Scientific ...

    Audio clip | 30-11-2021

  10. Navigating and anticipating in uncertain times

    It is crucial that organisations are prepared for different future scenarios for the course of the Covid-19 pandemic. This can ...

    Publication | 16-11-2021