mr. drs. J.R. (Josta) de Hoog
- Role
- Research fellow
Josta de Hoog studied Public Administration and Law at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam and the Institut d'Etudes Politiques Bordeaux. She completed her Public Administration studies with a research project on the relationship between Media and Democracy; her final project in the Law faculty concerned the protection of human rights in Western Europe.
In addition to completing her studies, she set up a website to monitor the voting behaviour of the political parties in the Lower House of the Dutch Parliament. She was also a member of the e-Participation supervisory committee of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, and worked at Campus The Hague on a research project on political agenda setting. After that she worked for three years at McKinsey & Company as strategic advisor to a wide diversity of companies and organisations. Josta worked on the WRR-reports Vertrouwen in burgers (Confidence in citizens) and Naar een voedselbeleid (Towards a Food Policy).