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  1. Social Policy-issues in Economic Planning

    Social policy issues in economic planning

    Publication | 10-04-1989

  2. Government and Future Research

    The forecasting function should receive more attention in surveys of the future carried out for the government. The uncertainties ...

    Report | 15-04-1988

  3. Report on and Evaluation of the Third Term of Office 1983-1987

    evaluation third term of office

    Publication | 04-01-1988

  4. An Active Labour Market Policy

    A system of work-experience places needs to be created as a means of increasing the job opportunities for unemployed persons and ...

    Report | 31-12-1987

  5. Financing the European Community

    Controlling spending on agriculture is essential for resolving the European Community’s financial problems. To achieve that, ...

    Report | 06-11-1987

  6. Culture and Diplomacy

    Raising the standard of education, arts and sciences in the Netherlands should be the principal objective of international ...

    Report | 22-06-1987

  7. Tailoring Policy to the Needs of Small and Medium-sized Business

    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can make an important contribution to economic growth and employment in the ...

    Report | 15-06-1987

  8. Scope for Growth. Threats to and opportunities for the Dutch economy over the next ten years

    The technological and economic structure of the Netherlands does not prohibit the elimination of the existing unemployment and ...

    Report | 27-04-1987

  9. The Unfinished European Integration

    Structural changes at global level, particularly the competition from the United States, Japan and newly industrialised ...

    Report | 26-03-1986

  10. Basic Education

    Social developments are forcing the government to raise the level of education of pupils. In its report Basic Education (Report ...

    Report | 22-01-1986