
All work of the WRR is public and published in one of four series.

  • Reports to the government: extensive reports containing advice on government policy
  • Policy briefs: shorter publications containing reflection on current topics, along with recommendations
  • Investigations: publications in which the WRR points out societal issues
  • Working papers: background studies written to support advisory projects

In addition to these four series, the WRR occasionally issues publications, videos and podcasts on current topics.

184 publications

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  1. Acquiring, assessing and weighing. The use of knowledge in policy advice in times of crisis

    Preparing for the next crisis mainly means being aware that it will inevitably come. This is the conclusion drawn by the ...

    Publication | 24-06-2021

  2. 'More needed than ever' Evaluation of the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy 2013-2017

    The evaluation More needed than ever - Evaluation of the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy 2013-2017 was ...

    Evaluation | 11-05-2021

  3. #9 Digital Disruption

    In this podcast WRR-chair Corien Prins and senior research fellow Erik Schrijvers will reflect on this. They recommend better ...

    Audio clip | 28-01-2021

  4. Communication and support for Covid-19 measures

    How can we ensure that people keep a safe distance from one another? That they continue to work from home as much as possible? ...

    Publication | 16-12-2020

  5. An introduction to the WRR

    In this video senior research fellow and international liaison Anne-Greet Keizer,  gives an introduction to The Netherlands ...

    Video | 02-10-2020

  6. Vulnerability and resilience

    The COVID-19 pandemic is having major social, political and economic consequences and we will continue feeling these effects for ...

    Publication | 22-06-2020

  7. WRR position paper Dutch House of Representatives hearing / round-table discussion on coronavirus app

    In this Position Paper, the WRR advises that great caution and care must be exercised when any radical new technology is ...

    Publication | 28-04-2020

  8. Security in an interconnected world. A Strategic Vision for Defence Policy

    The security environment in the Netherlands and the world around it has deteriorated. Security in an Interconnected World. A ...

    Report | 10-04-2020 | Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Huub Dijstelbloem, Peter de Goede

  9. European Variations as Key to Cooperation

    The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) translated its study about the future of the European Union. ...

    Video | 15-01-2020

  10. European Variations as a Key to Cooperation

    European Variations as a Key to Cooperation focuses on the way in which the Member States can continue cooperating in a ...

    Report | 14-01-2020 | Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Emina Ćerimović, Huub Dijstelbloem, Mathieu Segers